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Hello Scal1024:

Credit to you, again, for trying to get straight answers out of this candidate, only to be told that he must be elected first to provide specifics. He also appears hesitant to engage in dialogue because you may "find fault" with his responses.

You are not alone in that, Scal1024. There are many people who "find fault" with this candidate's campaign [as evidenced by prior comments here], including in the numbers he employs. For someone who touts himself as a successful business person, this candidate shows a distinct lack of understanding about how numbers work.

I am sure you will remember how he claimed a "tripling" of the assessment on one of his properties, which not only turned out to be false [$3,700 to $8,700 is not triple], but it was also found that he received a $5,000 reduction on another property, and is paying no property taxes on the home where he lives since it is owned by a limited liability corporation in Louisiana. So far, he has remained silent on this site in response to these findings.

You will also recall that he has recently been told that his use of two different ways of counting businesses -- one by the US Census and the other by the RI Secretary of State -- is an inaccurate comparison to make and leads to a fraudulent conclusion about the business "losses" that he claims have happened in Warwick. And yet he persists in copying and pasting this erroneous statement everywhere he can on this site, and has argued that because the Beacon published his numbers, somehow his conclusion is still valid. [This is despite the fact that the article writer noted the candidate could not provide historic state data or more recent Census information, which would have produced a valid comparison.]

This article shows what a valid review of the information reveals about this candidate's statements regarding the business sector in Warwick:

And as this candidate has just done again, he questions the use of pseudonyms on a website that he neither owns nor manages, meaning he has no standing to impose or uphold standards for its use, instead of actually correcting his statements. I am sure you will agree that this is curious behavior for a candidate who has made holding the current mayor accountable a central theme of his campaign.

Thank you for your continued efforts to hold this candidate accountable for what he says, and for joining the thousands of Warwick voters who will not be fooled by his campaign.

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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