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Why have the comments strayed so far from the committee meeting. Forget the political BS and take a tour of Pilgrim and Vets. Then tell me they are ready to move forward with more closures. Talk to the teachers, ask them about the condition of the school beyond the front entrance. Ask them how many students are in the classes and how many have special needs. The school are still dumps, 30 plus years of neglect is not fixed with so little money in so little time. Lets get the first part right then move on, the savings is a drop in the bucket with respect to the work that needs to be done. I guess all you advocates for additional school closings think the Adm. and SC have done a fine job. I know I know when you were in school 50 in a class and you walked 5 miles each way through 3 feet of snow. May be you did but is it right in 2016 our students should have to. Take the challenge go see for yourself before you flap your lips. Remember great schools create great communities and require a buy in from everyone

including those members that don't have students in the system. Lastly try not to harp on the test scores before you educate yourself about testing. Check out who Pearson Education is and tell me it is not about money and politics.

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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