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All this rhetoric about the schools and Im falling off my chair laughing!! I am so happy that I spent $120,000 for high school for my 2 children and avoided all of this chaos. For the poor parents that have to suffer through all of this. Where have you been for the last 10 years? Council meetings empty, budget hearings empty, keep electing the same morons overseen by the chief moron who by the way, doesnt have a kid in school so frankly could care less about the schools.

For the past 10 years I have heard Cushman screaming about the city side of the budget exploding and the schools being level funded. He has written dozens of articles about the issue and he has spoken publicly hundreds of times about it. Unfortunately, the council chambers is always empty. You people who complain about the schools are too busy, too tired, or too something, to stand up and get your asses to the city council meetings and MAKE A FREAKIN ARGUMENT! You all want someone else to do the hard work and then you show up at the end when its too late and cry and complain.

None of you get it. There is no money to fix the broken school system, there will never be any money to fix the broken school system. In part because the majority of the residents have stood quietly while the mayor of this city has given away the store. You have stood shamelessly quiet while the fire dept and labor unions have been allowed to rape you of your tax dollars all while the mayor gains political foothold in the city. You have no one to blame but yourselfs for continuing to elect the same people on the city council. Do you people actually think that you have a city council that is effective on your behalf? If you do, clearly you have not looked at a spreadsheet of the projected debt thru the year 2026.

Why is it that i am involved in dozens of new school construction projects all over Mass. when nothing is being built here? The reason is that just over the border, people pay attention at the local level. Not here in Warwick or in RI.

In 2012 I gave a speech at the council meeting about the RI report card which showed Wawicks schools at the bottom of the list for education out of the 40 RI public high schools. Too bad, thee were only the 6 regular attendees and the deaf council members. Highest paid cry baby teachers, lowest overall school grades. As I have said in the past which is documented in print. Warwick highschool graduates are 16% proficient in math and only 11% proficient in science. So give the teachers another raise, vote for the same dopes that continue to allow these contracts and budget allocations, and send your kids to schools that are loaded with mold. You have no one to blame but yourselfs.

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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