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Scal 1024,

You want specifics on a plan that is dependent on the outcome of the population change, the number of Seniors that apply and the number of building permits we end up granting in the two year moratorium period. As you know, it is impossible to calculate until we try it but to give you 2 outlooks.

1. Each new home buyer of new business that arrives in Warwick will benefit the tax base. Will it be one or a thousand? I don't know, but Warwick benefits every time we attract those new taxpayers. It will allow the rest of us to PAY LESS. (note: Avedisian never tried to attract ANYONE IN 16 YEARS!)

2. In 2006, then Governor of Florida Charlie Crist raised taxes approximately $500,000,000 and the result was Florida lost 832,000 jobs. In 2011 the new Governor, Rick Scott LOWERED TAXES by $500,000,000 and Florida gained over 600,000 jobs. The idea Scal is that lower taxes attracts more taxpayers and that, my friend, increases the total tax revenue while making Warwick a better, more attractive place to live. (note: Avedisian has NEVER lowered taxes. He raised them EVERY YEAR FOR 16 YEARS IN A ROW)

I will be at the School Committee meeting Tuesday Oct 11th at 7 P.M. at Tollgate. Join me?

Richard Corrente

Endorsed Democrat for Mayor

From: Teachers, parents berate committee over school openings

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