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Camille Wilinson is a fraud and despicable human being. She is exactly what Warwick and this state need to flush ourselves from. If her lis are movind she is lying. She says "she" negotiated a great deal with RIAC for the ball fields. Putting kids next to an active runway is not a good deal. Breathing exhaust fumes with carcenogenic particulates is not a good deal. Signing a contract with RIAC that has a stipulation that at any time RIAC can revoke the contract and within 180 Warwick must remove all of the structures at our expense and be off the property is NOT a good deal.

Wilkinson states in her last mailer that she has made the city council more transparent. That could not be further from the truth. She has done everything possible to sequester peoples right to speak at council hearings. Remember people, she voted 6 times to raise your property taxes and also to raise your car taxes. She is nothing fmore than a special interest PANDERER. She asked zero questions pertaining to pension reform and control of unfunded liabilities. What a fiscal disaster this woman is.

Wilkinson continualy attacks anyone who has an alternate point of view from her, calling them haters and other derogatory names. Is this what you want to represent you? She attracks weak, low intellect voters who are easily manipulated, which speaks volumes for her followers. COMPLETELY DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING.

From: Good Samaritans page matches volunteers with community service

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