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As a human being:

I am sickened that Mr. Corrente has chosen to use this story as fodder for his political campaign. He should be ashamed. His constant commenting on every story is as transparent as it is annoying. Count me as one Warwick voter who will not be voting him.

Now as a parent:

I cannot imagine the anguish at a loss so great. My heart truly weeps for the family.

As a citizen:

It is true that the city could have had more lifeguards on duty, and they all should have been surf certified. Logic tells me there is a difference between a pool and coastal waters. It also seems apparent that the situation could have been handled better from the beginning.

But, not every tragedy is someone's fault. Bad things do happen for no good reason and sometimes they are simply unavoidable. Some in our society expect to live in a world of zero risk and when the unfortunate reality of this flawed belief exposes itself some like to count themselves as victims.

There is no "justice" to be had in this case, and when the inevitable law suit comes down, the city will settle and the tax payers will foot the bill for this horrible, horrible tragedy that is not the city's fault. This happens because we live in a society devoid of personal responsibility with a victim mentality. We like to delude ourselves into thinking the world can be or even should be free of risk and when it inevitably fails to live up to the unrealistic expectation, our solution isn't to be introspective, but rather to sue somebody. It is a sad time we live in.

From: Report details scene of boy's drowning, two supervisors no longer with city

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