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WarCitz- You don't know you what are talking about. You can have your opinion, but that doesn't make it right....

Why don't you come work as a teacher in special ed for a while so you can see how "easy and cushy" it is?

The "real world" is different for everyone. Should Warwick Police, Fireman and the Public Works Department have contracts?

What you don't seem to understand is the lack of support and the ineffective management that the Warwick School provides.

You make proclamations of how you think things are yet have no understanding of how things really are.

Why are teachers constantly painted as lazy, ineffective and greedy? Why doesn't the School superintendent show some support for the teachers?

When students succeed the credit goes to the parents and student. Seldom do teachers get the positive recognition that they deserve.....AND YOU WarCitz are living proof of that.

Walk a mile in their shoes and you'll be singing a different tune......

From: "Sickout" May Close Schools Tomorrow

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