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Ohh Rick Corrente....maybe it was the outstanding tax issues he failed to honestly address with voters? Maybe it was the vague plan of "cut taxes" "cut spending" with ZERO substance? In the debate you were asked "what 2 line items in the budget would you cut?" You couldn't name about a Rick Perry "oops" moment. Your sign says "CUT SPENDING" and you can't name 1??? What a fraud!!!!

You started 2 years ago but:

- Couldn't tell us what a 50% car tax cut for seniors and veterans would cost taxpayers immediately

-Couldn't say what a freeze on building permit fees would cost in the budget

- Had no data for his proposed "pension buyout" which would certainly have upfront costs. He also had no estimate of savings. He couldn't even say if 10 retirees take the buyout it could "potentially save X". All he said was "Texas saved $1 billion" Never taking into account the size, population etc

There was no plan to cut taxes, only spend the people's money. That type of campaigning is fraudulent, dishonest, as well as beneath the office of mayor.

I'd also like to thank CrickeeRaven for his hard work during this campaign. You did the voters who read this website a HUGE service by bringing facts and numbers and i commend you for it.

Finally Rick, I said when you got in I give you credit for putting your name out there. In a very Trump like way you were nice and cordial to me....until I asked tough questions. Then you stated I only had an "agenda", and that I asked questions to "pick you apart". That's when it became clear to me you were an empty suit. You can't handle criticism and you say you listen but don't!!! I was a voter with no agenda looking for information to pass on to other voters. All I could share were negatives

I voted for the Mayor because I felt of the 2 of you he was the better candidate for our city. The fact you had all these "plans" to spend money without saying how to pay for anything was troubling. All while saying you would "cut taxes". That just isn't true and until you acknowledge that it's not true, or come up with more defined, factual plans with numbers you will never have my vote.

PS: To the taxpayers of this city you owe an explanation on your tax situation. Totally unfair to campaign on the cities high taxes while masking the fact that you were being evicted for tax delinquency. Complete hypocrisy!!!!

From: Corrente shrugs off Progressive Democratic endorsement of Avedisian

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