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Dear Ward5resident,

Thanks for your kind words.

I think my campaign helped improve the hypocrisy you referred to. Let's hope.


Dear CrickeeRaven,

You say I have a "disdain for any opposing views". You never once suggested any "opposing views". You just bashed mine. Not a single suggestion to improve Warwick. Not "and here is a better idea". Just bashing me. Hey if you ever have an idea to IMPROVE live in Warwick I'm sure the readers would LOVE to hear it. If you have a better plan, let's hear it! If not...

Dear Scal1024 (your birthday?),

I feel I've answered these questions for you before. OK, let's do it again. The 50% tax cut would depend on how many seniors and veterans applied for it. Attracting new taxpayers would increase our entire tax revenue thus reducing the taxes for each of us. The money generated would easily offset the discount to seniors and veterans (as i have stated numerous times before Scal). The building permit freeze would cost far less than the permanent additional real estate taxes would add. (remember Scal?) The voluntary pension buyout would also depend on how many participated in it but for every check Warwick paid out it would receive a greater savings to the taxpayer so it really would make money, not cost money, and the more retirees that participated, the more the savings would be. I said this before too Scal. You might not remember, but there was a lot more than "zero substance". In either event you voted for Avedisian because you say I wouldn't give you a detailed plan. I offered to meet you or speak on the phone but you didn't and still haven't even acknowledged who you are. Can't do more than that Scal. I tried.

Dear Kammy,

I am sorry you felt I "attacked". I thought I was "defending" my position.Comparing my comments to Trump on Twitter? That's harsh. Some might even say an "attack". And you don't even give your name.

Dear ThatGuyInRI,

You can choose not to read the comments you know.

What you ended up with is Avedisian. You have had 16 years of exposure to him and his effect on the taxpayers, the schools, and the decreasing population. If you like what's happening , give the credit to him. If you don't...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


From: Corrente shrugs off Progressive Democratic endorsement of Avedisian

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