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Once again,, more complete unadulterated BS from a buffoon that has no business running a lemonade stand let alone a fire department. Following in his fathers footsteps another scam artist, this non business man, who by the way, was the architect of the sick pay scam, is trying to now justify that we need more people than than a full compliment to correct overtime. That means that the last 3 moron chiefs were wrong in all of their assessments and statements that a "a full compliment of personnel would ELIMINATE" overtime. Now we also have the top dog incompetent mayor, signing on to this crap for one reason only. Keeping the promises he made for votes. We now have8 more people than required. What is also interesting is that 8 of the new fire dogs are children of existing personnel. Kind of interesting eh?

This article should prove to any reasonable educated Warwick taxpayer that you have an organized group of poorly educated people running this department, overseen by a mayor who cares only about quid pro quo in the name of votes and nepotism, overseen again, by a city council who is completely incompetent, that lack the gonads of a tadpole to address the issue, and that takes massive political donations from theWarwick fire dept.

First of all, the mayor is talking about unemployment. How have we put ourselves in a position to have to pay unemployment to someone who is a temporary trainee, training for a "possible position" if a slot opens up? Yet another example of incompetence. Here are some other facts which are not mentioned. Now we have 8 more people more than required by law. Bear in mind, the number of staff has always been argued by the point of minimum manning. Now we are over and above minimum manning. Who is making the rules now? Who agreed to that? With that comes an additional 160 days sick pay, 120 paid holidays, $8000 per year more in uniform allowance, (another scam) $3600 per year in laundry fees, health care, etc... etc. Not to mention now all of the increased trips to Daves and Stop & Shop to feed the pigs at the trough.

And the chief idiot is trying to justify to the taxpayer that the added theft of your dollars in one line item of the budget, justifies the reduction from another line item in the budget. Meanwhile, this fool is unable to produce 1 document, (required by contract by the way) to substantiate change of shift or substitution. Ladies and gentlemen, the inmates are running the asylum. You better start calling them out and demanding accountability. I welcome dialogue from anyone that has done any research, produced any documents through APRA, or has any other substantiated fact to offer that is supported by official documents, not rhetoric.

Here's what I want to happen. I want this mayor and this buffoon chief to put forth the proper documents as required by contract, to discredit my claims that this department is engaged in wide spread coordinated fraud, that is, and has been protected by this chief (even from the bar stool at Twin Willows) and several chiefs before him.

Since as of this date they have not been able to substantiate the sick pay expenditures, have not been able to produce one document to suggest otherwise, I challenge this chief and Mayor to once and for all, embarrass me with documents and fact, substantiate the numbers that we know you cant, and make me go away. YOU CANT. Because the numbers don't lie, the math doesn't add up, and the track record suggests wide spread fraud.

See, if I had such a loud mouth critic, I would put him in public, supply all of the documents, prove that every point he has made is pure conjecture with no basis, and humiliate him into exile. I'm begging for you to do that. When can I expect the documents and

the audit ? Jimmy, when can we go head to head, point for point on your budget expenses? We can also talk about your "leave of absence from the dept. to try out for the state police? Tip of the iceberg.

So Jimmy, here is your latest challenge in the form of an APRA, submitted today:

In accordance with the APRA, please find the following request for documents pertaining to the Warwick Fire Department personnel.

Please supply the following documents from the time period of 7/1/16 - 12/10/16.

Any and all personnel Roll Call sheets or documents

Any and all Change of Shift forms or documents

Any and all formal documents indicating personnel that have been authorized to "substitute" for any other person's regular duty sheet

Any and all attendance documents

Any and all documents indicating original personnel assignment status for the dates listed above and any and all documents indicating changes to original duty assignments.

Get to work Jimmy !

From: From overtime to over staffed

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