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"Free" education that costs the taxpayers $30,000,000 a year is NOT FREE!

Bernie Sanders tried to sell this idea. It didn't work for him either. "Free" means "taxpayer-paid".

"Free" means "higher taxes"! Rhode Island is one of the highest taxed states in the U.S. and Governor Riamondo wants them to go higher?

I say "NO!"

And if this program goes through, I strongly predict that tuition costs will skyrocket once colleges can charge anything they want knowing that the taxpayer will "just pay" like they do with Obomacare.

And where are we getting the money from? I read that comment about "new revenues" and "economic growth" and it seems like the Governor wants to spend those savings long, long before they arrive, if they ever do.

Why don't we get the money from The Lottery, which was supposed to be for education but never went in that direction, or how about the temporary 1% state sales tax? Or the temporary state income tax? Why? Because it won't happen that way.

Let's face it. This program WILL BE TAXPAYER-PAID! The money will be paid by the TAXPAYERS!

If that's what Rhode Island taxpayers want, they should support it.

I, for one, won't.

Thanks for reading.

Rick Corrente

From: Governor’s promise of free college gets positive feedback

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