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I would respectfully disagree with your statement that the schools are not falling apart. They are a disgrace to this community, particularly Vets and Pilgrim. They do not attract new families and business. They need to be replaced and bulldozed into the ground. We need two new schools, state of the art with all the tools and toys. My numbers are spot on the money $450/sq ft. Just finished several schools in MA. Also, be aware that SMMA has made numerous massive errors in calculating costs in other communities. Recently a 6.5 million dollar error in Lincoln. We cant keep putting band aids on amputations. How do you think I feel having lived in Warwick for 57 years and not being able to send my kids to high school here because of the failing structures. As a person who works in the construction community specializing in structures, in all good conscience, I could not place my kids in harms way and send them to our high schools.

Read these parents statements above. Does there seem to be a trend of illness encountered by our children? This problem comes back to what I have been saying (and castigated for) for years. The administration has sold the city down the river with overly gracious and lucrative union contracts and now there is no money left for capital improvements. You guys complain that there is no money for chrome books, but where were all of the angry parents at the budget hearings when the mayor gave the glutton firefighters a 50% increase in sick pay bonuses. It's these abuses and many others that people are not screaming about that is sucking up your tax dollars now and in the future, and that will prevent any new school construction.

Just look at the backgrounds of the people that are appointed on committees all over this city. Its insane, people are appointed for political reasons not because they're life's experience brings anything to the table. If your going to go to bond for $250 million, build 2 new schools, design a re-use plan for the existing schools , and put the kids into safe structures.

Is anyone still wondering why all these kids are getting sick. Don't want your kids to be sick? 2 choices - build new schools or pay the price to send them to respectable schools.

From: More than blankets needed to remedy Vets heating

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