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Let's be REAL clear:

The comments of Rob Cote (Thecaptain) and Roger Durant (Reality) stated above are their own opinions and they are completely entitled to them.

However, that doesn't take away from the fact that Camille Vella-Wilkinson just got honored with three important new committee assignments which could benefit all Warwick taxpayers.

For the record, I have strongly opposed her on certain issues as well, but attacking anyone in their hour of congratulations is not constructive criticism. It's destructive criticism and is in very poor taste. It serves no purpose and doesn't belong here. Now, if she sponsors legislation that I disagree with I will have no problem opposing it, but the same will be the case in reverse. If she deserves applause I will be the first to give it. I welcome Rob and Roger to join me when that happens. Let's see if they are able to give credit when credit is due.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Rep. Vella-Wilkinson receives committee assignments

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