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What does this mean? It means more people are leaving Warwick than any other city or town in Rhode Island.

Mayor Avedisian has raised taxes every year for 16 years in a row. We have a School Department that is costing the Warwick taxpayers $23 million dollars more than Cranstons' and that is with 1,300 LESS students! (and our teachers STILL don't have a contract!) And while others towns/cities like Coventry and North Providence are building schools Warwick is closing them down because our student population went from 17,000 to 9,000. This is proof that raising taxes is the problem, not the solution.

Folks, tax-and-spend policies don't work when the the people paying the tab (the taxpayers) run out of money, and in Warwick the taxpayers are OUT OF MONEY!

It is time to "cut taxes - cut spending". Cranston did it and their population (and total taxes received) grew. In 2006 Florida governor Charlie Crist raised taxes by $500,000,000 and the state lost 832,000 jobs. In 2011 new Governor Rick Scott "cut taxes" by $500,000,000 and Florida gained 600,000 jobs!

If Warwick adopts the plan of "cut taxes - cut spending" the result will be more taxpayers, a greater total tax revenue and more jobs, a win-win-win situation which we desperately need.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: City's single-family home sales top in RI

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