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Dear Mr Cote,

I didn't realize that in an informal comment page that you would be judging my grammar. It's funny how you didn't mention your inability to differentiate between loose or lose. Typical , point out the flaws of everybody else while ignoring your own.

Anyway let me respond to your long diatribe sir:

1. I agree with you on the "Tax Payers Mayor" . He wouldn't be my first choice in tackling all the problems that are facing Warwick. However, at least he is standing up and at least talking about issues. Warwick is being over taxed and people are leaving.However what has the current Mayor done ? He isn't doing any better. Perhaps if you have all the answers and have a good platform , maybe you should consider running. If you have a comprehensive plan that is based on common sense , you have my vote

2.I am neither a teacher or parent but a concerned taxpayer that is sick of bureaucratic malfeasance and fiduciary negligence. I am also sick of duplicitous politicians saying one thing and doing another. I am however sympathetic to the teachers , since my wife is a teacher . They work in dilapidated buildings that are a health hazard, they get micro managed, being dictated to by individuals that never taught or haven't in years, they are told what to teach and have to deal with students that have for the most part lost the true meaning of what education means,why don't you enter a school and see for yourself. Teachers in general are ignored with their concerns. As for yelling out at public officials , how is it any different when they blatantly ignore their constituents and talk condescendingly to the crowd. I can remember many occasions where Mr.Nadeau or Mrs Furtado have been quite rude. If you attend these meeting perhaps you have seen the same.Plus getting negative feedback in whatever form is part of the job.

3. I am castigating a public official and calling him out for wasting taxpayers money on hiring an attorney to do the job he was elected to do. If he is a feeble senior citizen and can't take the criticism then he should resign. You must be a friend of his , I have read some of your posts praising him.As for Ms. Bachus , she may favor teachers but she also favors students and taxpayers as well. Just a friendly reminder that the committee is called the school committee , and since teachers are part of the school, then the school committee should be respectful and work with them to fix problems within the school ,not sit their on their high horse and belittle them and hire lawyers to intimidate. That is why there are unions. Teacher's aren't criminals like the way you're trying to label them. If you know better, then you go teach , remember before you decide to criticize and abuse walk a mile in their shoes.

4.Stop with the insults , it just shows the type of character you truly are. Its an informal comment column. I am not writing a book to get published , so if there are a few commas missing or grammar errors , oh well. At least I know the difference between lose and loose.As for the condition of the buildings you can thank the mayor for level funding the school as well as the school committee mismanaging funds and poor building maintenance oversight . Remember that is part of the job too. I do agree that the system was broken a long time ago, wasn't Mr. Nadeau part of that? I just assume you will ignore that and use ad hominem tactics instead of staying on topic.

5.I agree the schools are a mess ,but is that anyone's fault but the mayor and the school committee.Lack of funding is mentioned time and time again , but the city has a surplus, the school committee complains of money but has has a surplus every year. If you have any cognitive function then you would realize those are the culprits of why the schools are the way they are. You should be at every meeting yelling if you're so disgruntled.As for the kids under achieving, most of that starts from home. Its not the teacher's fault that kids don't have the same sort of standards,work ethic , attention span and consequences that we had at their age. The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree sir. Also any job I ever had always had bad apples but that doesn't mean every apple is rotten.

6. Okay you're not Mr. Nadeau, but from your previous posts it sure sounded like it.

Thanks for the debate!

A concerned Taxpayer and American just like you!

John Duenuts

From: City's single-family home sales top in RI

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