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My original message was directed to who I thought was Mr.Nadeau and that was why I original fired the first salvo at you. However on your response to my retort, you question my intelligence and integrity condescendingly. So if you want to keep on jabbing me with insults well ...what do you expect me to do.

Listen I am just as concerned about taxpayer waste as you. I know you were the gentleman that was the voice of reason with resisting getting taxed on your vehicle in perpetuity. You have to realize that Warwick is really just a microcosm of what is happening on the state level. We both know in this state, it's monkey see monkey do, when it comes to ineffective politicians who talk a good game but then stick it to the tax payer while all the while blatantly ignoring the voice of the people.Like Mattiello or Raimondo with the truck tolls , free education and tax breaks for corporations and millionaires. The problem is the jobs are gone and the tax base is on shaky ground at best.This state leadership has run this state into the ground and every municipality is feeling the effects of decades of nepotism, backdoor deals,theft and deindustrialization through taxation and government over regulating.

I understand you vitriol towards firefighters , I agree 100 percent. In most of the country we have mostly volunteer firefighters , its only in this state we have guys paid to sit and watch buildings burn. When is the last time we have heard of them saving a building. I will say we need them but not at the $80,000 salary plus what they make by abusing overtime($100,000 +.

Teachers on the other hand have been getting screwed and labeled for years. They have a tough job and everyone is pointing the finger at them for all the problems in education. Remember they are rank and file employees who get micromanaged by the same type of ineffective leaders that are running Warwick and the state.You think they are getting overpaid ,but they get shafted just like every other taxpayer in this state. I look at my wife's pay stub and see that every paycheck they take more than a third out. Some of that goes to the state "pension system". I agree that at one time the pension system was ridiculous with the colas and etc, but with the Governor robbing the pension system with her own investment firm and the pension system never being funded properly to begin with is the reason why it is the mess that it is. This state used the pension system as a free for all general fund to pay for the results of their mismanagement of public funds in other areas for years.The Governor even passed legislation so that it could be abused some more. I have talked to a lot of current teachers and they all say they would opt out of the pension system if they could , but the Governor won't allow it because then she can't steal or give it to her investment buddies who are charging teachers and the state with an exorbitant amount of fees.Teachers are getting screwed royally just like you and me who work in the private sector.Plus with the way kids are now a days its like a battleground in some schools, look at Providence. You need a bullet proof vest and a bodyguard just to work and you can't even reprimand kids anymore with all this liberal p.c policies otherwise you get sued.

As for where we are at now is directly related to the people in charge who have ruined this state and that is effecting cities like Warwick . These Career Politicians have to go. The one thing I agree with Mr.Corrente is that taxes need to be cut as well as spending and that we need to bring people and businesses back to Warwick and the state. So ,with that being said, I am not as well read as you are on the intricacies of Warwick's finances . I think that if you are passionate and want to make a change then you should run and make some changes because the same old maladroit politicians will continue to run Warwick and Rhode Island into the ground otherwise making comments in the beacon will just fall on deaf ears.

Have a good one

From: City's single-family home sales top in RI

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