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President Trump is a leader of chaos, falsehood, paranoia, divisiveness, and mean-spiritedness. He changes his mind at the drop of a hat. There seems to be no thoughtfulness about any of his "proclamations." It appears that he is seeking momentary glory and praise. Trump seems to look for what he can get out of it rather than what is best for the American people. He wants to be a strong man. For example, rather than think through and get guidance about how we are vetting refugees from Syria or what it means to stop all Iraqis, even those who American soldiers have relied on for many years as translators, he signs a Executive Order on immigration without consultation or even checking whether there is an actual problem. Zero people from the 7 banned muslim countries have killed or injured any American living in the US. His DHS didn't seem to know about the signing time and was not ready to implement it. Trump appears not to know what America is all about. We don't prejudge an entire race, ethnic group or religion. We believe in freedom of worship and a free press. We can disagree with the press but we don't call them scum or tell them to keep their mouth shut.

And by the way, President Obama moved America forward. This is just a small list of how Obama changed our economy for the better: he saved us from going into a depression, saved the auto industry and now it is thriving, and cut unemployment in half. The stock market made a big comeback and has tripled and clean energy production has doubled. President Obama delivered positive change. He saved the country from economic ruin. In addition, he had personal integrity, ethics and good moral character.

From: Our country needs a change-maker like Trump

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