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"We do not compete with public schools".

Are you kidding?

Warwick Public Schools has two competitors.

Private schools like St. Kevins and public schools in other cities and towns.

Our student population went from 17,000 to 9,000. Those students had to go somewhere. The School Committee controls $160 million dollars of taxpayers money and has caused a mountain of lawsuits and major health issues, and we still, to this day, have teachers without contracts.

We don't have a Police Committee. We don't have a Fire Department Committee. We don't have a Municipal Employees Committee. Why do we have a School Committee when 98% of all of our problems are in the school department?

Message to the School Committee:

Straighten up your act. Sit with the teachers. Work out a contract. A stable team of teachers will attract students to stay in Warwick, not leave us. Schools like St Kevins wouldn't be growing in popularity if our public school system was in better shape. It is up to the School Committee to get us there.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Parents check out `different product' at St. Kevin School

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