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WRWK75 - I've never been opposed to that idea, but the cost would be way more than Warwick has shown its willing to spend (at least $200 million just for a High School according to Thecaptain's numbers).

MaxwellRobinson - OK, then who do we trust? They've been elected, some of them year-after-year, so obviously some people in Warwick think they are doing OK (and I'm not implying I'm one of them). That excuse of "how can we trust them" can be used by any one group of people at any time. In my 20 years in Warwick the easiest fish in the barrel to shoot at have been the School Committee and School Admin. Everyone loves to beat them up - Warwick Teachers Union, parents, the Mayor, the City Council, taxpayers (notably, WISE seems to be willing to work with them) - the names and faces on the School Committee have changed but the piling on has not. At some point you have to wonder is it: 1) Warwick voters apparently keep getting snookered and somehow we always elect the wrong people to the School Committee; or 2) could it be that those offering the constant criticism (some justified, much of it hyperbolic) do so to distract us from deep-seated problems that the accusers actually have a stake in perpetuating, whether for political or compensatory reasons.

From: Schools: Fix up or build new?

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