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There can only be one explanation why the Department of Health didn't observe the hundreds of health issues that teachers, students, parents, Karen Bachus of the School Committee, Donna Travis of the City Council and every other intelligent person in the Warwick have encountered.

They must have gone to the wrong school.

There is no other explanation. Politics couldn't be the reason.............................................could it?

Bachus, Travis and others have long championed the march against these intolerable school conditions going above and beyond what they are being paid to do. No heat. Black mold. Brown water in the faucets. Buildings that are literally falling down. They saw it first hand. So did parents, students etc. Are all these people wrong? I don't think so. I think it's a cover-up. I think it is the Mayors responsibility. I think the solution needs to come from him and it's not in the form of raising taxes. 16 years of annual tax increases haven't helped this issue one bit. If he gets the teachers contract settled (and I credit him for the recent effort) Warwick will encourage students to stay rather than leave. More students means more taxpayers, which means more total tax revenue, a win-win-win for us all. Cranston "cut taxes" and their population exploded. So did their total tax revenue. We should learn from them before their population grows higher than ours. We have lost 5,800 taxpayers and 4,666 businesses in the last 10 years. "Cut taxes - Cut spending" and I promise we will get some back and the extra tax revenue will help pay for the necessary repairs that we all know are desperately needed............................except the people who got politically appointed jobs at the Health Department . (Doesn't it make you wonder what school they actually went to?)

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Health Department finds no significant issues at Vets Jr. High

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