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I had a substitute assignment at Warwick Vets Middle School the other day. I had subbed there in the beginning of the school year but haven't been back until recently. As soon as I walked into the school, at the entrance by the 900 wing, I immediately detected mold in the air. I have a severe allergy to mold so I knew what to look for. My assignment was in the D wing, 1st floor. After being in my scheduled room for about 20 mins, I started with the itchy eyes, coughing and scratching. I visited another room and talked to one of the teacher's there and she told me that many of her school kids had been out numerous times because of sinus problems and related respiratory problems. She said that she has to keep the window open most of the time to air it out. I went back to my room and opened all the windows. Believe me, it got really cold, but I would rather be cold than not be able to breathe!

I went into another classroom that had the heat on and it was very stuffy. Within about 15 mins, I started to have problems with my breathing. I went to the nurse to see if she had Benadryl but she didn't. I had some in my car, which I took. (I will use Benadryl as a catch all instead of my Epipen when I can). It definitely helped relieve some of the symptoms. I stayed the whole day, but probably shouldn't have as when I went home after school, and the Benadryl wore off, I was covered in hives and had to use my rescue inhaler. I had to wash all my clothing and even my back pack. It is now Thursday and the hives finally went away. I am still using my rescue inhaler as I am having difficulty breathing.

While I was in school, the air quality was being measured. I told one of the workers that there definitely was mold in the air and I showed him one of my hives. He was shocked.

I can't believe that the Warwick School Department thinks that the air is fine at Warwick Vets! This is a danger to the students, staff and teachers. They may have health issues now, but if the air quality is not fixed, there could be worse problems down the road. Opening the windows is not the answer. It is a quick fix. And, students shouldn't have to bring blankets to school to stay warm so they can learn!

I won't be subbing at Warwick Vets Middle School anymore until the air quality problem is fixed. Maybe it's the heating system, maybe it's the black mold around some of the windows or maybe it's just that the school is in need of major repairs. But, whatever the problem is, it needs to be fixed immediately. Our students (and staff) need a clean, healthy and safe environment to learn and right now, that is not being met at Warwick Vets. Someone has to stand up for these kids!


From: Health Department finds no significant issues at Vets Jr. High

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