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Dear Davebarry109,

You stated that the School Committee "has to watch the taxpayers money". The School Committee?

Isn't that a lot like having a fox guard the hen house?

They receive over $160,000,000 of taxpayers money and they are not accountable to anyone!

More than half of the taxpayers dollars; more than all other departments PUT TOGETHER, and by charter, they are not accountable to anyone from the moment they receive the taxpayers money. (not the Mayor; not the City Council; not ANYONE). That is why I strongly feel they should be made accountable BEFORE they receive one dime of the taxpayers hard-earned money!

The teachers "MAY" or "MAY NOT" be asking for too much. That hasn't been determined yet. Here's what we do know. Until recently, the teachers were willing to sit and negotiate. The School Committee wasn't. I applaud the recent efforts that improved that situation (including the Mayors recent support) but we're not there yet. Attorney Ragosta, I feel, is the answer, as an impartial, third-party arbitrator, but you and I don't have as much information as the negotiating parties do.

From what I have witnessed EVERY teacher cares about the students. That's why they became teachers, but they also care about their own families as well. If they can make more, they want that, just like you and I would. I don't know what the best solution is but I do know how to get there. Sit down, no matter how many times it takes, and negotiate. Don't posture. Don't sue. Negotiate, damn it. Sit down with the teachers and negotiate.

This growing problem has gone on way too long.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

Representing the 80,000 Warwick taxpayers that are paying the tab.

From: Students are not statistics

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