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Warwick Taxpayers (intentionally capitalized) are funding the School Committee to the tune of $160,000,000 a year already and they can't be trusted to spend it wisely. Here's proof. Our student population has crashed from 17,000 to under 9,000 today.

They receive more than half of every tax dollar and they aren't accountable to anyone! Not the City Council. Not the parents. Not the students and not the taxpayers that are paying the tab. How is that working out? We have teachers with no contracts, students with no Chromebooks, buildings that are literally falling down, black mold, brown water, falling ceilings and NO HEAT! The School Committee has received over a BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS since 2010 and they haven't been accountable for a dime.

Anyone that thinks we should give them more should have their head examined. We had a bond issue for $25,000,000 in 2006 for this very issue and the Mayor STILL hasn't spent all of that taxpayer-funded loan. The $160 million they receive EACH YEAR is with NO ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE TAXPAYERS! And they want more? Are you kidding me??? Don't be fooled by the need. I agree. It is there, but why haven't they spent any of the BILLION on it, and what makes us believe they will start now? I'm not buying it. You shouldn't either. Their greed made this mess. Giving them millions more will only compound it. The School Committee is hell-bent on increasing their numbers (30+% in the last year alone) while simultaneously reducing the number of teachers (also approximately 30%).

Don't let them get away with it.

I won't either.

Happy Spring everyone. Go Patriots!

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Finances haunt middle school plan

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