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The Non-Taxpayer Mayor continues to talk about people paying taxes. He obviously is speaking about everyone other than himself. Here are some facts: This has to do with the Non-Taxpayer Mayor and his delinquent car taxes.

Fact - Your 2009-10 car tax payments - ALL PAID LATE

Fact - Your 2010-11 car tax payments due July 15 2010 not paid until January 25 2012. 18 months late.

Fact - your 2011-12 car tax payments due July 15 2011 not paid until January 25 2012. 6 months late. (as you were not able to re-register the vehicle)

Fact - your 2012-13 car tax payments due July 15 2012 not paid until March 3 2013. 8 months late.

Fact - your 2016-17 car tax payments due July 15 2016 - No payments made as of this date. Late again. Habitually late.

Then there is the issue of the same time that you weren't paying your property taxes, mysteriously, your car, although still parked at 177 Grand View Ave, in Warwick, mysteriously came off the tax roles and no taxes at all were paid on it. Most likely because it was unregistered, yet still on the road . So between 2013 - 2016 to what city were you paying a car tax to for the same car that has been in use all this time? Another example of the Non-Taxpayer Mayor

From: Finances haunt middle school plan

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