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Dear Mr.Corrente,

Nowhere in my comment did I say just an idiot couldn't make a comment or did I wish him ill will. I stated that his remedial phonetically spelled gibberish isn't adding anything to the conversation and that if he actually made a worthwhile comment it would help the conversation. You like a typical politician change the topic to suite your own agenda, which in this case is trying to suck up to voters for 2018. You should have done a better job in preparing for the debate against Avedisian, maybe you could have received more than 35% of the vote.

Continuing on, you call " Just an Idiot "moronic comments satirical and that it is witty banter.Then you continue by insulting people like Yogi Berra by putting "Just an idiot "in the same category of someone who was an icon . Yogi Berra actually had humorous quotes that were memorable ,what about "Just an idiots" quote or quotes , please point out what is so memorable and funny. You also say that I can't find the humor in his quotes because I am all doom in gloom and that I should look on the brighter side of political bodies wasting taxpayers money and the inability of elected political officials to do the job they were elected to do.Well then your a hypocrite ,because isn't that what your original comment was about or why you ran for office. If it is so great and things aren't so bad then why are you trying to politically smear our elected officials. Why are you continuing to campaign by making destructive criticism. You 're just the same as the people you criticize and I for one do not find the humor in getting screwed by political figures, agendas or policies that don't have the citizens best interest at heart. Having a laissez faire attitude is what got us in the mess we are in now, and its going to be hard to dig ourselves out of this hole we are in. One thing I do find funny and humorous is how you make light of not paying your taxes, there are a lot of other individuals that do the same, which is why people who do pay their taxes on time ,all the time, like me and the Captain are pissed.


Whats upsetting is that I actually defended you on a few occasions but that is before you made it clear that your not worth defending. Your a typical sycophant politician and I for one will not vote for you and will make sure to tell everyone that the "Taxpayer's Mayor " isn't any different than the people he is destructively criticizing.

Butt youse wonts cares cuz youse finds its funnies and imma sure the ireagal immagrants and just a moron duz too.

From: Finances haunt middle school plan

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