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Another article for Rick to make baseless accusations on. Rick, for you to call anyone a liar is quite hilarious. You blame the school committee repeatedly, yet I can find multiple stories where you said it's not the time to point fingers at anyone. Way to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

Are you seriously suggesting the teachers are blame free? What concessions have they made over the last decade or two? Have you ever discussed cuts on the salary/benefits side for teachers? My guess is you haven't and you probably never will.

The fact you call David a liar (without any credible proof whatsoever) is a truly pathetic move by a rapidly fading FORMER candidate. I've never met David but atleast he can back up his argument with facts. Rick, you continually throw things against the wall without any proof or grasp of the issues at all. I'll take someone with common sense like David, over somebody who constantly lies to the voters like Rick Corrente.

Not only could Rick not name ONE single item in the budget he'd cut (his platform was "cut taxes cut spending") but he didn't even have the decency to look the voters in the eye and tell them he can't pay his own taxes on time. Not to mention the lack of specifics on ANYTHING he's proposed. You talk a great game Rick, but you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

From: Expect quiz on Vets heating system

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