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Dear Bob Cushman and my favorite critic Scal1024,

Please read my web site. My economic plan is there under "Corrente's Plan". Unlike Mayor Avedisian, who never posted ANY plan because he doesn't have one. It's basic economics guys. If we attract more taxpayers by lowering taxes in general (you know, like the car tax) we will receive more taxpayers and a greater total tax revenue. I have said this dozens of times and Scal, you keep lying to the readers by stating that I "never have". I know that trying to discredit me helps you with your relationship with the Mayor but don't lie about me Scal. I have re-stated my plan dozens of times and I have even offered to meet you to explain it in person, but you haven't accepted. It's time to give up on trying to discredit me Scal. My plan is sound. "Cut taxes - Cut spending" is working in Cranston where the population is increasing. Raising taxes every year for 16 years in a row (Avedisians plan) here in Warwick has caused 5,800 taxpayers to leave according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That, Scal, is the big picture. Open your eyes to it my friend.

Bob Cushman,

I agree that the School Committee is level funded, BUT in that "level funding" there is a hell-of-a-lotta waste. The School Committee has a cash reserve fund of over three million dollars in their health benefits fund. Anthony Ferrucci told me that they have been depositing funds there for over 17 years and never withdrew a dime! Does that tell you there isn't a need to have that fund? "Level funded" doesn't mean "honestly spent". An unbiased third party audit will show where the "honestly spent" money went. Can you find one City Council Person that feels the School Committee spends our tax dollars fairly? I can't.

Happy 58 degrees everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Car tax relief

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