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I have a great idea!

Since we started The Lottery for the sole benefit of improving our educational system, why don't we just take the money from there and give free education to everyone, at every R.I. College/University, for any program, forever!

Is it because we were sold a bill of goods about The Lottery? Are we being sold another one today? Were we sold a bill of goods when we were told that the state 1% sales tax was "only temporary"? How about way back when, when we were told that the state income tax was also "temporary". "Free" education that costs the taxpayers over 33 million TO START, isn't free at all.

There is only so much that we trusting taxpayers can tolerate, and I believe we've reached our limit. The R.I. Taxpayer can't afford the exorbitant cost of this "FREE" education.

Happy 60 degrees everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Raimondo plugs free tuition at Make it in Rhode Island

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