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To RISchad's point, it's all in the pc vernacular. "LGBTQ community" sounds so much more 'accepting' than "homosexuals and transvestites". The unspoken rule: If you want to soften the name of an aggrieved victim group, add "community". That is a point about the linguistics, and not the particular form of mental illness for which we should, again, demonstrate compassion. As it relates to schools, in the 2015-16 school year, only 31% of RI's public school tenth graders met or exceeded standards in Basic Literacy. The number was 14% (14%!!) at Warwick Vets, but we've solved that problem. Only 19% met or exceeded standards in Geometry. RI's public school students also lagged median national scores on all three sections of the SAT. But fear not because the State Dept. of Education now proudly displays an 11-page “Guidance for Rhode Island Schools on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students”. If you are wondering why more than 2 of every 3 RI public school tenth graders are functionally illiterate, you may wish to consider the roomful of beaurocratic misfits required to produce 11 pages on "gender nonconforming students".

From: State, school leaders respond to transgender rights rollback

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