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Apparently not many parents were contacted for this article. After reading this, I reached out of a few fellow parents at Park, Vets, Pilgrim, Winman, Randal Holden and St Kevins, St Rose and Hindricken ( for the private schools ). And the story was pretty much the same...

There is a lot of Bullying, the "programs" & videos are openly mocked by the students and the teachers - hey it is time out of class. Reminds me of the SADD group back in high school, the members tended to be the biggest drinkers in the school and laughed at the irony of being the leaders of SADD.

The victims are not "reporting" the bullying because they do NOT trust the schools to do anything, they don't trust teachers to protect them, they don't trust councilors to advocate for them and most of them barely trust their parents because NOTHING is done.

One parent's daughter was being harassed online and when she brought this up to the child's homeroom teacher she was told that it was outside school so nothing could be done. When her mother went to the Principal she was told that the kids would need to work it out and that their hands were tied.

The internet is giving children an "anonymous" way to act without any kind of moral judgement. The say the cruelest things they can think of because there is no consequence.

The worst of these Bullies have parents that either don't give a damn or are convinced that their little snow flakes would never do or saying something so "mean".

This article comes across as a big pat on the back for folks that have their heads in the sand.

From: Despite recent incidents, schools not seeing increased bullying

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