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Dear Bendover,

I know of one.

In 2007 I wrote legislation that would make bait-and-switch tactics of many of my competitors a thing of the past, and it wouldn't cost the taxpayers a dime. I own a mortgage company and for the last 39 years I have refused to promise a rate until the underwriters have analyzed the applicants credit, income and appraisal. So many of my competitors do that it makes us all look dishonest. My legislation would require that the mortgage company acknowledge that to the applicant (in writing) at the time of the application and lock the rate with the applicant (in writing) only after it could be guaranteed, thus eliminating "bait-and-switch."

I met with Congressmen Langevin and Barney Frank (as well as several of Langevins staff) over several months to draft it and it was brought to congress. Parts of it, I believe, were combined with the new mortgage regulations of Dodd/Frank but the actual bill was never passed. However, the dozens of hours that Congressman Langevin invested in this consumer-protection legislation, and the sincere and professional attitude he displayed throughout the process made me a believer and a Langevin supporter for life.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Richard Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor and endorsed Democrat for Warwick Mayor in 2016

From: Langevin ready for meeting no matter what

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