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This is a heartbreaking betrayal of our senior citizens.

There is no way that closing down the Buttonwoods Center and putting the small profit toward "long term debt" will benefit the citizens of Warwick anywhere near as much as keeping it open. I applaud Councilman McAllister and Council President Solomon for attempting to delay the sale but the Mayor scheduled this for right after the election so that seniors would forget it by next election, if he decides to run. I have said for over two years that 2017 will be his last year as Mayor. He can resign and cost the Warwick taxpayers pension benefits of over $100,000 a year "for life". Then he can take a state job and get a pension there as well. When, and if, that happens, please remember who predicted it.

Happy Easter everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Last of offices closes at Buttonwoods Center

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