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????? File this under "Laughing all the way to the bank, or nice work if you can get it." What's not to like? A project purported to be worth $23M....OK, Follow the math...3.5M in TIF relief, 1.2M RR tax credits, 300K in sales tax exemption for building materials, and a TSA agreement, (tax freeze) for 5 years at pre-construction estimates...currently assessed at about 1.7M...SO, if the new hotel opens in 2 years, and is assessed at a conservative 15M, it gets 3 years as a functioning hotel taxed at the roughly 1.7M assessment? Add on the 3 years difference in assessment, ballpark 15M minus the 1,7M and 13.3M in assessed property value, (what in the real world would be taxed) and you get between 25-30% subsidy in one way shape or form going to the project development cost...Good things come to those who wait. YUP, things are booming so much with demand for rooms and parking...OH WAIT, the Hillsgrove South neighborhood that was leveled for a parking lot....It's closed...I see fuzzy growth projections, the passenger count over the last ten years kinda being a big tell...Call me suspicious of all this hub-bub.

From: 125-room Hyatt hailed as newest City Centre development

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