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I'm sorry to read the posts here regarding animals off leash...such a ridiculous world we live in. I do have some quick tips that I have used and ARE effective.

1. Umbrella - when the dog comes running, POP that sucker open! It'll scare the dog and stop it dead in it's tracks!

2. Stick - The dog is coming at you with mouth open ready to chomp down on ya! Hold the stick horizontally and if needed, jam it into their mouth...they'll bite the stick before your yummy arm! PItbulls heads can withstand a lot of trauma before they "get it".

3. Wheel barrel method - (not a real one) So, the dogs are attacking each other, biting, growling, etc...1st, STAY CALM!!!!! Don't begin screaming & yelling, it only stresses out you and the dog(s)...grab the more aggressive dog's back legs and hoist them up like a wheel barrel and begin (QUICKLY) walking backwards (hence why it's called wheel barrel)...dogs don't like their legs off the ground. Albeit, this is kinda a 2-person job but if there is a truck with an open bed, a garage, anything you can hide you and your dog in, GET THERE!

Now, I know that the stress of a dog attack can make some "freeze" in fear, but if you practice these, amazingly, when a loose dog is coming at you, you feel more confident to handle the attack with minimal injury to you or your dog.

Last but not least, be aware of your surroundings...meaning, if the dog takes off, see what house it goes to. It's probably its the dog's home...

Also, try to remember everything about the dog, breed, color, collar, anything distinctive that pops out at you!

I hope that any of this helps has for me....

Off-leashed owners are the worst and says something about them....



From: And you think it's OK to have your dog off leash?

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