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There is no mistaking how the students feel about their teachers and if it takes 500 hours of negotiations to reach a contract then so be it. It does! Gene Nadeau states that the School Committee (SC) has already spent "over 100 hours". Great! Then you only have 400 to go! For the record, I thought they had spent a lot more time than that. This is not an easy task. It may take longer than 500 hours. Whatever it takes, it takes, now get your "self" back to the negotiation table and get it DONE. If I was Mayor, I would attend meetings EVERY DAY, 8 HOURS A DAY if necessary. Nothing is more important than our schools. Nothing! The value of our properties is determined by it. The value of Warwick itself is determined by it. The Warwick Teachers Union is willing to sit at the negotiation table every day for many hours a day. Damn it SC, get to work! It's your job. Do your job!

Happy Summer everyone

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Jumping for teachers

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