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Nobody gets enjoyment out of teachers being laid off. Thats an ignorant, unnecessary comment to make. The bottom line is enrollment has steadily declined, wages have gone up and schools have closed. How BeaconCommentor would you solve the problem? My guess is you'll blame Phil Thorton and hit all the talking points.

I am no fan of Phil Thornton but to act as if he is the sole reason the schools are in the shape they are in is short sighted, political and WRONG!!! These problems were here long before he arrived. Even if he were to resign, the teachers would find fault in the next Sup't regardless. Something has to change, and if this isn't about money why not agree to a pay freeze and settle that part of the contract? If this isn't a money issue than agree to no raises for 3 years and move on to other parts of the contract.

The school committee has been limited in the amount of layoffs they can issue, so what else can they do? This is decades worth of problems coming to the surface now, and both sides need to settle this asap. I know this is a strange concept...but both sides need to put the students first and stop this political bs. It has helped no one and has made our city look foolish.

Saying its "Christmas morning for the comment section" because teachers were laid off doesn't help the argument. That is nothing more than a talking point trying to make the "other side" look bad. The blame game rhetoric has to stop and cooler heads need to prevail.

From: Teachers picket, Thornton confirms 31 layoff notices

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