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I can't find one traveler that thinks this is safer than what we had before. (police records prove that.)

I can't find one merchant on the circle that reports more business. (In fact, they all are reporting less, some much less)

I can't find one taxpayer (not one!) that thinks this project is worth the money the taxpayers paid (Warwick and state and fed).

For the record: As Mayor, I would have spoken to these people before spending ANY TAXPAYERS MONEY on this project.

For the record: The taxpayers, the ones that are paying the tab, would have talked against it. (almost unanimously).

For the record: I wouldn't have done it. The taxpayers would have spoken and I would NOT have moved forward.

For the record: There have been 6 times as many accidents as a result of the circulator.

I think we can all agree that this was a bad idea of Mayor Scott Avedisian.

And every taxpayer is paying for it one way or another. 71 million taxpayers dollars.

Happy Memorial Day everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Delays & bumper cars...but just wait

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