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The tax rate has gone down. But the tax assessed values have increased to a level that means we all must pay more taxes. For 18 years in a row the Scott Avedisian administration has increased taxes EVERY YEAR.

Folks, it is time to "cut taxes - cut spending". I have the plan and even my critics can't come up with a better one. Oh yeah. They tell you all how bad my ideas are. They use adjectives like "delusional" and "laughable", but not once have they said "and here is a better idea". These critics are most likely on the Mayors payroll, one way or the other, and even though I have challenged them to come up with a better idea, not one ever has. They don't even have the courage to identify themselves.

So maybe it's time to consider mine. If we start with a budget that is lower and reward ideas that help us get there we will restore pride in our City. The way we are heading now, even more of our taxpayers will leave. In the last ten years 5,800 taxpayers have left Warwick because of our rising taxes (according to the U.S. Census). We aren't heading in the right direction.

Other communities (Cranston, Coventry, Florida) are lowering taxes, increasing the number of taxpayers and receiving a larger total tax revenue, a win-win-win for everyone. Warwick needs to adopt a "cut taxes - cut spending" mindset to encourage more people to move here rather than move out of here.

I totally agree with "adogsmom". If our taxes were under control, no one would consider closing such a valuable asset to our community like Buttonwoods Senior Center.

Happy Summer everyone

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Council picks through Mayor's $310M budget

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