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Dear Kammy,

Oh Kammy. You are so right.

1. I am not a mayor.

2. I was not elected to any official office. ( I never said I was)

3. I call myself "The taxpayers Mayor" because I consider myself a servant of the Taxpayers.You can ignore it though.

4. I am not your mayor. You're so right. You didn't vote for me because you didn't believe I would get the job done. But Kammy I DID get the job done! My message was heard and repeated hundreds of times by me and the 13,278 good people who voted for me and my message. And Kammy, the result is NO TAX INCREASE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 18 YEARS!!!

The message was always much more important than the man and THE MESSAGE GOT THROUGH!.

Finally, you stated that I had "no factual basis for my arguments" and that "if you were serious you would be joining groups and helping out citizens in Warwick" You obviously didn't read much on me. If you did you would know that statement is untrue. Please feel free to read all about me. There is a ton of articles in the Warwick Beacon.

...or not.

In either event, it's always nice to hear from you Kammy and if it bothers you so much to read my self-proclaimed title, the Beacon will allow you to simply ignore it. I checked with them. They said it was OK.

Happy Summer Kammy

Happy Summer everyone

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor ( except for Kammy)

From: Mayor won't veto no tax increase budget

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