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Here is the tax assessor's online database link to the address claimed as a residence by the losing, failed candidate:

He does not own it, nor does he pay taxes on it. His ownership of it ended in 2012. Any statements he makes about paying taxes do not refer to this property, the one he previously listed as his primary residence on his candidacy papers.

Kammy, please do not let the loser candidate's condescending manner concern you. He has nothing but his impotent and ultimately time-wasting use of this site's comment boards to maintain the illusion that he somehow has support from anyone in the city. You, and I, and thousands of responsible, honest, taxpaying residents of Warwick know what the truth is about the failure of a candidate.

We know he spent nearly $42,000 [or more than $3 for every vote] in his losing campaign, the second-highest amount spent in a campaign against the current mayor. We know that he is wrong in claiming every campaign donation received by the current mayor represents special interests. We know that the current mayor raised five times as much in private donations in one quarter than the losing candidate raised in an entire year. [Those confirmed facts can be found here:]

We know that he is not doing anything for anyone but himself out of a rather pathetic belief that by spending more than nearly anyone else in his losing effort, he somehow purchased the right to maintain this charade of relevance. We know that we are the ones confronting his dishonesty with facts and evidence behind us. We know that the only one "yelling" is the failed, losing candidate.

Thank you, Kammy, for joining me and the thousands of responsible, honest, taxpaying voters in Warwick who rejected the failed candidate's campaign and continue to stand against him.

From: Mayor won't veto no tax increase budget

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