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Hello again Scal1024, and welcome, ThatGuyInRI:

Do you find it ironic, as I do, that the tax cheat fake "mayor" would criticize one commenter's use of a screen name -- to another commenter using a screen name? Specifically, he seems to approve of ThatGuyInRI's pseudonym but accuses Scal of somehow being in the employ of the winning mayor with absolutely no proof [which, as frequent readers have seen, is precisely the losing candidate's modus operandi on many topics].

And do you find it rather pathetic, as I do, that the fake "mayor" would accuse others of being "cowardly" when, on multiple occasions, he has gone silent when presented with facts that directly refute his claims and public information that proves his property tax delinquency? Were the fake "mayor" seeking to uphold some standard of bravery, do you agree that perhaps he would address these issues directly?

And finally, do you find it presumptuous, as I do, that he would say things like "you have to agree" to assertions that only he is making? Perhaps you agree that no one "has" to agree with anything the fake "mayor" says, especially because he has proven himself as having a poor grasp of facts; as falsely presuming he has support following his overwhelming election loss; and as lacking enough self-awareness to know when he is behaving in a blatantly hypocritical manner.

From: Optimism grows for pact as teacher talks continue

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