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Thank you, WwkVoter, for your factual and insightful reply to the fake "mayor."

In particular, your statement of the cost for educating children in Warwick compared to the estimated tax payments from those homes is especially helpful for readers who value honesty and accuracy.

Let's do some basic math that objectively proves your point:

- 27 single-family homes with one child each [a very conservative estimate, as there may be more than one child per home], times $14,000 per child, equals $378,000 in costs.

- The developer of these proposed homes says they will bring in $162,000 in revenue from taxes.

Simply using these estimates, one may conclude that the fake "mayor" supports a plan for the city to lose $216,000 per year, while claiming that this is preferable to a proposed charter school that would pay $70,000 in revenue per year to the city.

Embarrassing as this failure to do basic math is, the fake "mayor" will no doubt exceed that humiliation in his future comments.

From: Aldrich may end up being a school again

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