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Dear WwkVoter,

My taxes have always been paid. Please don't lie. I can't register my car otherwise. I was, in fact, unknowingly behind this year and when I went to the tax collectors office I learned that I owed a whopping one penny. As of March of this year, that huge "past due" has been paid.

As far as your comment about cost per child to educate, it's true that the taxpayers pay way too much to the School Committee ($161,000,000) annually for an ever-decreasing number of students, but gaining more tax revenue does not increase the cost per student. It just gives the city more revenue to pay it. Adding additional students to our schools spreads out the fixed expenses among a larger number of students making our cost-per-student come down. But you already knew that didn't you.

And when I said "It", you knew I meant the Hugh Fisher Plan. Didn't you? Because charter schools do NOT "preserve" Warwick school teachers. You tried to mislead the reader to believe that I said that. But you knew that wasn't true either, didn't you.

Face it. You were wrong on all counts. And you're an Avedisian guy, right?

Happy Summer WwkVoter.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Aldrich may end up being a school again

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