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Dear Scal1024,

Wow. Two comments in one day. I'm impressed.

Here is your answer to the second comment.

You say "Rick, if the school budget is still the same amount for less students...wouldn't that imply huge built-in costs for teachers salaries and benefits?" And the answer is "If the entire budget went to the teachers then YES!!!" but you and I both know that it doesn't, does it. It all goes to the School Committee; NOT the teachers, in fact, the School Committee administration is growing at about the same rate as the teachers are reducing in number. That's the problem Scal! The School Committee keeps spending the taxpayers $160,000,000+- on an ever-DECREASING number of teachers and a ever- INCREASING number of administration. In a perfect world we would have one budget for the teachers and another one for the School Committee. I believe that day is coming old friend but it probably will take a Home Rule Charter to do it, something else that I have campaigned for.

As far as the ongoing teachers contract dispute, it was a cheap, disgusting move on the School Committee to make PART of the contract discussions public. They are just trying to sway public opinion on their side. Sneaky, deceitful, dishonest trick. Scal, you know better. You know that the only reason the School Committee violated the privacy of the discussions is to make their proposal "sound pretty good" as you say. We don't know the whole contract story. We don't even know the first chapter. Leave them alone until the deal is done. Then we can both judge the end results with no "pandering" toward either side. Fair enough?

Hope you have been sailing.

Happy Summer Scal1024.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Aldrich may end up being a school again

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