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Hello Scal1024:

"That's not true at all," says the fake "mayor" to your suggestion that he would feel any embarrassment over his behavior.

Finally, we get one factual statement from the losing failure; we can be sure he will humiliate himself by attempting to withdraw it.

It is quite telling and an indication of his desperation to avoid the legitimate question of why he used campaign funds to pay rent to someone who formerly paid the taxes on his claimed residence that he engages in such boorish and pathetic behavior.

We should now expect a reply along the lines of "NO U!!!" from the fake "mayor," further proving his complete unfitness for office.

Perhaps you are continually baffled, as I am, why the fake "mayor" persists in incessantly posting comments on this site that could easily be collected and republished during next year's campaign, as if he thinks no one would have the wherewithal to create a web page, print ad, or mailer that lists his disproven claims.

Perhaps you feel as I do that he is just that arrogant, short-sighted, and naive to think that his behavior on this site would not be used against him in the future.

Any opponent will be able to save thousands of dollars on opposition research by simply quoting the fake "mayor's" own words, and I look forward to joining you and thousands of honest, taxpaying voters in rejecting his candidacy again next November.

From: Shekarchi bill would mandate full coverage for all mastectomy costs

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