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Once again, it is clear that the Teachers Union is willing to sit down and negotiate the final "language" of the new teachers contract and the School Committee is refusing. That is the part of these negotiations that has been wrong since day one. I don't support giving the teachers a contract with more money. I don't support giving the teachers a contract with less money. I just support giving the teachers a contract that's "signed", and that goal is long overdue. Whatever dollar amount they finally receive should be increased because of the delays caused by the School Committee's refusal to meet.

Camille Vella-Wilkinsons legislation "easily gained passage in the House and Senate". (WAY-TO-GO-CAMILLE VELLA-WILKINSON!) The reason it was veto'd by the Governor is that this bill gives stability to the teachers careers. Mayor Avedisian is against it for the same reason. He and the School Committee want the ability to enforce the parts of the contract that benefit the Mayor and the School Committee and ignore the parts that don't. Like having their cake and eating it too. Like having an unfair "control" over the teachers. Camille's bill says that we keep the ENTIRE previous agreement in full force and effect until we have a new one. Not just the parts that benefit only one side OR THE OTHER, regardless as to which side is receiving the benefit.

As Mayor, I would never support "one side" or the other. I would not support a procedure that just benefited the teachers. I would not support a procedure that just benefited the School Committee. That would be equally unfair. My critics will bash me for this. They will say I "pander" to the teachers. They are wrong. I pander to the principle of "fair play". If the School Committee was willing to sit and negotiate and the Warwick Teachers Union was not, I would have the exact opposite view. I think we all would.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Veto renders contract bill up to legislators

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