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To enlighten Marianne A,

Warwick teachers pay is in the top 3% of the country. Warwick teachers benefits are in the top 2% in the country. Warwick teachers product is in the bottom 6% in the country and worst in New England. According to the RIDE report, graduating Warwick seniors have a 17% proficiency in mathematics and an 11% proficiency in science. I'm tired of the teachers whining about pay and benefits. You work 180 days a year, its time to shut up and put out a good product. Where were the teachers at the budget hearings? Absent. Where are the teachers at the finance meetings? Absent.

I don't care whether it is teachers, cops, fire fighters, dpw or otherwise. You only deserve what the community can afford. Period. Right now the community can not afford any more. Get a job in the private sector and see how fast you'd be fired. That's another problem, too many lazy teachers that cant be fired. Shut up and be happy that your inadequacies are not dealt with in the same way that the private sector deals with unproductive workers.

With over 100 teachers absent daily, you mean to tell me that this is not a scam. You guys are running a close second to the fire fighters. No one in the private sector has these kinds of benefits. Count your blessings, shut up and teach, you bunch of whiners.

From: Teachers reject latest contract offer

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