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What is a "substandard code"? Building standards are uniform and must meet national as well as State standards; buildings were flooded but did not collapse due to "substandard codes".

What exactly does "Texas look like"? Have you ever been there, or do you just assume that the entire affected region is cattle, tumbleweeds and oil derricks, like most folks who have seldom left RI?

Was it "God's will" when NY & NJ were pummeled by Sandy five years ago?

Drainage systems are being improved in Houston continuously; there was no way to predict Harvey's deluge.

Houston is in a subtropical (high precipitation) region; RI is not.

If you want to discuss poor planning, look at the Providence Hurricane Barrier- it may save the City, to the detriment of the rest of RI's coastal communities (that's you, Warwick!); all that high water and storm surge pushed up the bay is going somewhere (your homes and streets).

I suppose Irma hitting Florida will be "God's will", too, unless YOU happen to like Florida.

"Justanidiot"...true to your moniker...I guess you "forewarned" us before we read your stupid comment.

From: Is Hurricane Harvey ‘New Normal’ for coastal communities?

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