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You need to seek professional help. You did nothing, repeat, nothing that impacted the city council decision to hold the line on taxes. The only thing that you did do was cheat the taxpayers out of $8081.71 property taxes, in excess of $500 in utility taxes, and 3 years worth of car taxes. You never once offered 2 sentences at the podium on any subject matter. You have absolutely no research skills, no analytical skills, and by your own fiscal record, you are a financial disaster. You are completely delusional to think that you have done anything in the name of public service to the community. Why cant you remember that you lived as a squatter for 3 years at 177 Grand View and never paid taxes. During the time that you were tax delinquent you somehow found $30,000 to loan yourself to run for office. Your actions are unconscionable and fraudulent.

You leave a trail of unpaid bills and litigation wherever you go. I am still waiting to see the results of the Board of Elections determination of your payment of $4000 from your campaign account to the man that bought your tax lean. That info is coming , trust me. At what point do you reach the maximum level of self embarrassment ?

Your perception of the facts is indicative to someone on an LSD trip. ZERO knowledge of the city finances, ZERO. OMG, I would pay thousands to have you in public taking questions from the public. You just dont stop. It is truly amazing.

From: Estimates have city surplus growing by $5.2 million

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