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I think this is a very good strategy for keeping drivers and pedestrians focused on safety. You will certainly think twice about things if you get pulled over and given a warning. I live near Greggs and the drivers are extremely dangerous. It takes a lot of patience to wait to turn left once there is no traffic. Many times drivers cut the corner fast to get in quickly and don't pay any attention to see if someone is in the crosswalk, especially now since they opened up the additional parking across the street of the restaurant. There have been so many near misses. By the same token, bicyclists don't even bother to look when biking down the street and go right into oncoming traffic. I wish this could take place all year long but I know that it would take a lot of manpower and money to make it happen. Thank you Warwick Police Department for doing your best to keep Warwick Citizens safe.

From: Police begin increased crosswalk awareness campaign

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